On this page is a copy of the complaint that Philip filed with the court in the Philippines that seems to have disappeared from the court records or was not showed to the court at the final hearing. According to the final decision papers the Court Ordered Social Worker only showed the court two  items of the 100 plus items that Philip gave her of the pictures and medical records that are in this website and she said the mother was OK to have the child (Her receiving all the items can be confirmed by three eye witnesses). Philip showed her all the videos that Philip had at that time that Philip was going to show to the court when it came time for Philip to present his testimony to the court.

Philip had taken protected custody of their child and remove the child from the Philippines against court orders not to. Because, nobody who's job it was to stop the abuse. Would not do anything, to stop the child abuse by neglect. The thing to remember here is that no Philippine judge is going to rule against any Filipino in any case in the favor of a foreigner. Philip's leaving the Philippines when he did. Was a two fold God send to Mechelle because it would had been very obvious to the appeals court that a decision in favor of the Filipino in this custody case would have been perceived as a bribed judge (The judge that tried this case retired soon after his final decision in this case). The other reason was that Mechelle committed adultery in the second month of the case with a Philippine man and became pregnant. The final decision declared Mechelle and Philip legally married and adultery is a felony in the Philippines (Six years in prison)